DB’s Niece: The story of my hijacked life! (The Memoirs of Marla Wynn)

DB’s Niece. The story of my hijacked life! (The Memoirs of Marla Wynn) - Book

Book Details

Title DB’s Niece: The story of my hijacked life! (The Memoirs of Marla Wynn)
Year Published 2016
Author  Marla Cooper

A suspect book.

Marla Cooper claims her Uncle (L.D.) was DB Cooper – DB’s Niece” is Marla Cooper’s first-hand account of her remarkable journey through personal challenges and opposing obstacles.

Marla’s uncle L.D. Cooper was the last suspect the FBI really investigated aggressively. What did the FBI see in L.D. that made them react so differently to other suspects? Others have made claims, but for some reason this one got the FBI’s interest.

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