My Father Was D.B. Cooper – An American Story volume 1

My Father Was D.B. Cooper – An American Story volume 1 - Book

Book Details

Title My Father Was D.B. Cooper – An American Story volume 1
Year Published 2017
Author Bradley S. Collins
Meet Jack and Bud Collins, two brother’s who pulled off
one of history’s most baffling crimes…The D.B. Cooper
unsolved Skyjacking of November 24, 1971.

The Jumper “Jack” was exactly who authorities thought
he was: Businessman – Father – Stunt Skydiver and Pilot.
His brother Bud, was a senior captain for Northwest
Orient Airlines:

Find out why they did it…How they did
it… And what became of all the loot from the only
unsolved skyjacking in world history.

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