Watch D.B. Cooper – On The Night Of The Skyjacking

Watch D.B. Cooper. On The Night Of The Skyjacking - Book

Book Details

Title Watch D.B. Cooper – On The Night Of The Skyjacking
Year Published 2021
Author  Timika Rohal 

A suspect book.

Excerpt –

“This novel will not be an attempt to rewrite history. Neither will it be written as fiction, although much of what has al ready been published about “D B Cooper” has been fiction. What follows should go towards solving, once and for all, the questions of who, why, where, and how this incredible, very uniquely executed crime was conceived, carried out, and for the most part, brought to a successful conclusion.

In addition, every attempt will be made to show the reader not just the facts, but physical descriptions of events, motives, physical appearances, etc etc.

Next, I will paint a picture, being myself an eyewitness, of the main characters, as well as many others who observed these events also.”

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